Online Content Libraries
Learn more about our online training opportunities.

Operator Qualification (OQ)
Standardized training and evaluation content related to Operator Qualification, which includes, but is not limited to the following:
- 375+ OQ online Computer-based Training courses with written exams, available in English and in Spanish
- 675+ Performance Evaluations, which may be utilized in either a printable format or completed digitally using any mobile device (smartphone, tablet) in the EWN Mobile application
- Regulatory references from DOT title 49 CFRs 192 and 195
- Standards references from ASME B31Q Standard and API 1161 Standard
- General Abnormal Operating Conditions and task-specific Abnormal Operating Conditions
Safety (OSHA)
Full EWN library of training content and assessments related to OSHA, which includes, but is not limited to the following:
- 70+ Computer-based Training OSHA courses with written exams, available in English and in Spanish
- Regulatory references from DOT title 29 CFR 1910
- Drug and alcohol awareness courses intended to fulfill the supervisory training requirements of 49 CFR 199.113 (c)
Full EWN library of training content and assessments related to propane, which includes, but is not limited to the following:
- 50+ Computer-based Training courses with written exams, available in English and in Spanish
- 50+ Performance Evaluations, which may be utilized in either a printable format or completed digitally using any mobile device (smartphone, tablet) in the EWN Mobile application
- Regulatory references from DOT title 49 CFR 192
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Full EWN library of training content and assessments related to liquefied natural gas, which includes, but is not limited to the following:
- 22+ Computer-based Training courses with written exams, available in English and in Spanish
- 21+ Performance Evaluations, which may be utilized in either a printable format or completed digitally using any mobile device (smartphone, tablet) in the EWN Mobile application
- Regulatory references from DOT title 49 CFR 193
Pipeline Inspector Overview
Full EWN library of training content and assessments, which includes, but is not limited to the following:
- 45+ Computer-based Training courses with written exams, available in English and in Spanish
- References from API 1169 Edition 1 and title 49 CFRs 192 and 195
Professional Development
Full EWN library of training content and assessments related to professional development, which includes, but is not limited to the following:
- 45+ Computer-based Training courses with written exams, available in English
- Topics around leadership, communication, professionalism, and teamwork
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