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19 min read

CWJJ Episode 98: Joshua Lentz & David Love

Thursday, January 20- Guess what day it is! David Love and Joshua Lentz are with us on CWJJ today from Magnolia River.

Quick Links:

Joshua Lentz on Linkedin
David Love on Linkedin

Episode Transcript

 [0:00] [music]

Jim Schauer:  [0:24] Good morning, everyone. Welcome to this episode of “Coffee with Jim and James.”

[0:27] James, as I normally would do, at this time of the winter seasons I would tell a wacky story. Actually, I want to tell a real story that I’m very proud of.

[0:38] When this airs, my youngest daughter, Summer Schauer, who was a guest on Coffee with Jim and James, is going to be starting or will have started with a fantastic company called Magnolia River, in the marketing department. She just loves everything about it.

[0:58] For me, our energy history…James, you probably know this, but my great‑grandfather, Red Schauer, started in the oil fields in Oklahoma. For me to have one of my children join the energy industry.

[1:12] We were talking in the pregame, also, it’s nice to see kids coming out of college that want to get into the energy industry. We’re such an industry that’s very top‑heavy, people David’s age, not mine. I’m kidding.

David Love:  [1:25] That’s right.

Jim:  [1:27] We’re very long‑heavy on the grass. It’s nice to see that. I just wanted to give a little bit shout out. James, how are you doing this morning?

James Cross:  [1:34] Doing well. That’s awesome news.

Jim:  [1:36] Yes.

James:  [1:36] I’ve had insider information for a while now, watching that come along. I think I told the Magnolia team, I would have hired her, if I had a spot for her right now too. They beat me to it. Summer’s a lightning rod. I’m excited to see her get plugged in, but this show isn’t about Summer.

Jim:  [1:56] No.

David:  [1:57] We are truly excited to have her.

James:  [2:00] I bet, I bet. David and Josh join us from Magnolia River. Good morning, guys. Welcome to the show.

David:  [2:07] Thank you. Appreciate you guys having us.

James:  [2:10] I know you’re probably wondering, why am I not in my normal setting?

Jim:  [2:15] Why don’t you tell us, James?

James:  [2:17] I’ve miss traveling so much, that I thought I’d travel into the office today.

[2:23] For those that don’t know David and Josh, I think I saw Josh 10 days ago, maybe in Denton at the Texas Damage Prevention Summit. David and I were in Memphis, I know. Where we in Memphis together, Josh?

Joshua Lentz:  [2:37] Yes.

James:  [2:39] David, you were there too. Then we were in Charlotte together and Orlando together.

Jim:  [2:44] Orlando. Yep.

Joshua:  [2:47] Louisiana.

James:  [2:48] Heavy travel season. Nice to see you‑all in the little boxes for a change, I won’t lie. I love seeing you all in person, but welcome to the show.

David:  [2:59] Thank you.

James:  [3:00] I’m glad you‑all are here. Award‑winning show.

Jim:  [3:02] Wait, I’m sorry. What did you say James?

James:  [3:04] Award‑winning show.

David:  [3:06] Award‑winning. I saw the award presented.

Jim:  [3:10] David was live in Charlotte. Josh, you weren’t.

James:  [3:12] Should I go get it?

Joshua:  [3:14] I was, NASCAR Hall of Fame, for the reception.

James:  [3:16] Should I go get the award?

Jim:  [3:18] Yeah.

David:  [3:19] Yeah.

James:  [3:19] Should I go get it?

Jim:  [3:21] Grab it. We’re going to continue on.

James:  [3:24] Yeah, you‑all go ahead.

Jim:  [3:26] Yeah.

James:  [3:26] Let’s do some intros. I hate to do this, it’s still good.

Jim:  [3:31] No, get it. Come on, it’ll all be fun.

David:  [3:35] That’s news, surely.

Jim:  [3:36] Yes.

James:  [3:36] Speak amongst yourselves.

Jim:  [3:38] We’ll talk amongst ourselves. Gentlemen, I know you, but please for our audience, would you maybe kick it off with an introduction title? What you folks’ areas’ responsibility are? That will help our audience get a little more acquainted with you.

David:  [3:50] Josh?

Joshua:  [3:52] Yeah, I don’t mind. I’ll kick it off. My name is Josh Lentz. I’ve been with Magnolia River for almost seven years now. My background prior to Magnolia River was also in the utility side, a little bit different aspect, more on the contractor side, doing water, sewer, and natural gas.

[4:12] Started in the industry when I was around 15. Finally got on board with Magnolia River and it’s been a ride ever since.

James:  [4:20] Two years ago, when he was 15.

[4:23] [laughter]

Joshua:  [4:24] Yeah.

David:  [4:24] That’s it. He doesn’t look old, does he?

Joshua:  [4:27] No, no. Thank you, David, thank you.

[4:30] [laughter]

Joshua:  [4:35] Currently, I’m actually in a business development group for Magnolia River. I’m an account manager, that is my title. We can go about titles all we want, but we wear many hats around here. David Love, of course, does as well.

[4:53] I’ve worked in our GIS group, our inspection group and work very closely with our personnel in our engineering group. From inspection program management to inspector to GPS field data collector. I’ve done a little bit of everything for the company.

[5:10] I’ve wound up this year in business development. It’s been a fun ride, dealing with the changing market as we’ve seen over the last year or two, but it’s been good.

Jim:  [5:24] Thank you and welcome. David, go ahead.

David:  [5:27] He’s a super hybrid employee. He just sort of so many roles. It’s really neat to have people like that. That’s what we’ve been built on.

[5:37] I’m David Love. My title is Senior Vice President of pipeline services. I think when you get that and you don’t really have a job description, it’s right there on the edge.

[5:50] After looking back at 1978, November, that’s when I started in the industry, that’s 43 years, and it has really flown by. Looking back, so many relationships. That’s what this whole thing is built on anyway.

[6:07] We were talking earlier. It’s a large industry but such a small group, really a small world. Been here for almost 18 years, in January will be 18 years, and Ronnie and I actually been together since ’93 doing different things. Talk a little bit about that.

Jim:  [6:31] Really?

David:  [6:31] Yeah.

James:  [6:32] 43 years?

David:  [6:35] Yeah.

Jim:  [6:35] You started when you were seven?

David:  [6:37] Yes.

[6:38] [laughter]

James:  [6:38] I see, I see.

David:  [6:41] Was right out of high school. Right out of high school.

James:  [6:46] Not a big deal, but I did run down the hall.

David:  [6:49] Yes.

James:  [6:50] This was the debut on. We should have it in another box, sitting next to our guests. I think that’s different.

Jim:  [6:56] Like a separate Zoom box?

Joshua:  [6:58] Yeah, it’s own camera.

James:  [7:00] Where the award just sits next to our guests so they can see it.

David:  [7:02] I like it.

James:  [7:04] Thank you, SGA. I just realized we had never had it on the show. Now, it’s official.

Jim:  [7:11] Yeah, on this one. This show is going to be actually big.

James:  [7:14] It’s a big one.

David:  [7:15] Very, very worthy to you.

Jim:  [7:18] Thanks, you’re too kind. Now, wait.

James:  [7:21] Yeah, let’s lean into that.

Jim:  [7:23] Yeah.

James:  [7:23] No, I’m just kidding.

Jim:  [7:25] No. David, I want to lean into you. Being in our industry for 43 years is unbelievable and your time with Magnolia River almost from the inception. Very close to it, Magnolia River’s been around for 21 years, if my memory serves me correctly.

[7:43] David bring our audience a little bit into that world. What have you seen? What has changed over the years? Give us your insight, your perspective whether the industry, Magnolia River or how they both intersect. The floor is yours, sir.

David:  [8:02] I’ve heard you say you like telling stories and that’s what this is. It’s really a great story for my life and all of the people that are involved with Magnolia River. It’s been a great journey.

[8:18] I did say, looking back to November ’78, working for a great company Alagasco, which is now Spire. That’s where I met Ronnie Hoff and he is our original founder, still on our board.

[8:35] You walk into our office indicator and it says, “Making a difference one relationship at a time.” I know I will leave somebody out of this because there’s so many people to be thankful for, but the passion that Ronnie displays for everything that he did ‑‑ just like you guys ‑‑ and then that bleeding over to all of our employees to just do what we do.

[9:03] Starting back then, Ronnie in his living room, after we have to back up just a little bit. We had left Alagasco, went to a little company and started a brand new gas distribution system.

[9:17] 1996, we were in a chicken house, converting chicken houses, one night and he said, “This has been fun. We had to do something like this, just building systems.” Sure enough, four years later, he went to the living room and I went to work for a great family oriented company, Ed Young Sales.

Jim:  [9:37] Sure, yeah.

David:  [9:38] Traveled around and met so many people. He had so much mentoring with Ronnie and I as we begin to build this company. Then all of our employees and then another great families, like Paul Devlin and his family out of Florida, Charles Tiffany, the people that invest that time into you to build it.

[10:04] Ronnie was the first inspector and then they said, “Hey, how about helping us out with some engineering?” Ronnie started drawing, what he did before. Then our main client move to using GIS instead of just AutoCAD so we moved into the GIS world. We had inspection, engineering and GIS.

[10:30] We start adding people like Chuck Compton, Terry Tatum ‑‑ been here for years ‑‑ and of course Chris Stout, who we call Mother Magnolia, is still here, keeping all of us straight. There’s so many people that, like I said, I would leave people out if I started trying to name them all.

[10:49] As we moved into the GIS world, had the Hayden Strickland, the map bonds, that probably a lot of our clients know, moving up to 2020, we had to realize we’re not just a family anymore, we’re a team.

[11:07] We start growing, to the point of 500 or so employees at that point, from the living room was quite a difference with probably 13 to 15 offices across the US. There’s been a lot of changes, and a lot of growing pains, but it’s been great.

[11:31] Man 2: What a blessing it is to have those growing pains, to have those pains, because of the fruits of the labor that you all put into it. David, you and I have been friends for years. We go back. We’ll give a little shout out to Chuck Compton, go tide.

[11:50] That right there throws all the Louisiana people off and all the Alabama people off.

[11:54] [crosstalk]

James:  [11:56] We had a truck. [laughs]

[11:57] Man 2: We go way back and you’re absolutely right, one thing you mentioned, I wanted to highlight on, is relationships. When we start to think about our industry, and that I’ll call it the spider web, it’s incredible. Again, lots of kudos to everybody over at Magnolia, that you guys really do foster, herald the idea of relationships in our industry. Great.

[12:24] Man 1: I’ll mention, we got involved with so many different trade shows, SGA, that was mentioned here. This show is award‑winning for SGA. The AGA, APGA. Another quick little story. I think everyone remembers Mike Grubb from SGA. He had Ronnie and I traveling around doing some training and education stuff at one point.

[12:49] We started moving forward with Magnolia and he said, “What school did you go to?” I told him what school I graduated from. Engineering degree? No. Is Ronnie engineer? No. How in the world do you run an engineering company without an engineering degree? That’s where hiring great people and surrounding yourself with great people and that what’s made Magnolia.

James:  [13:14] That’s why we’ve seen our groups flock together a lot. Naturally is, at Energy Worldnet, we’re wired very similarly. You find yourself at a lot of the same tables and going out there and doing the right thing. I’m not saying there are others out not doing the right thing, I’m saying, you can tell the focus on people by people.

[13:39] Do business with people they trust and respect. When you’re sitting in a committee meeting, where it’s your side job, [laughs] to your real job. Next to you is somebody that’s there every time and involved and you respect, you find yourself at a lot of those tables. I’ve always respected that with Magnolia River. David you in particular, you’ve always been somebody…

David:  [14:05] Kudos.

James:  [14:06] When I saw you, it felt like we needed to give each other a hug again. I don’t know how else to explain it. We do, right?

David:  [14:15] Yeah.

James:  [14:16] We pick up right where we left off and that’s always refreshing while you’re out there. I don’t know who’s going to take this one, but feel free you all can fight over it. You’ve brought us along with Magnolia River, and those maybe that don’t know some of that story.

[14:33] I love those stories is my favorite part of the show, or those garage or living room stories. How have you all seen the needs…You talked a little bit about GIS and moving into that space and things like that over the years. Have you seen the needs of your clients and change over the years?

Joshua:  [14:55] I’ll take that, James. Really what we’ve seen over the years, and like we’ve seen already, I’m still fairly young in the industry, but I have a lot of great mentors, David and Hayden and Ronnie. I’ve gleaned a lot of great information of how the industry was, and my experience is currently in that.

[15:18] Technology is a big driving factor. It was mentioned earlier that we’re top‑heavy in this, and we have a lot of young personnel that are coming into the industry. How do we get the knowledge out of the 20, 30, 40 year guys, and how do we get that into the hands of this new workforce.

[15:38] That’s at the core where we’ve seen the industry look to change across the organization, not from field guys, but the office personnel as well. There’s technology and software that are starting to change how we do business. I was talking with David, not long ago about this and how big technology can help an organization, but how it can hurt as well.

[16:06] There’s still people behind that. When you have software and you have hardware that are changing different devices, and how fast that’s moving is, we got to think about the people behind that. The training and not leaving an aging workforce behind when we get to this technology.

[16:27] It’s got to work across the organization and I made a parallel there with using a flathead when you need a Philips. You’ve got to make sure that the tools that you’re using, the people behind it are trained. You’re not using the wrong tool for the wrong job.

James:  [16:46] I understand the why. We’ve all rolled out I’m sure our fair share of tools and features, and all kinds of things that we thought were going to be the next big thing. Then, we either poorly rolled them out or we didn’t bring people along, and we dropped it on their heads. We’ve went through a lot of that as well.

[17:10] We’re a technology company more than anything at this point. We went through a big movement on user experience as a whole this past year. Our number one users are our employees, because if they get frustrated on the job, then it’s going to boil over in their task. Number one, are they in the right seat? Do they have the right tools?

[17:38] Whatever that looks like for them. Sometimes adding another piece of technology onto something for the technology minded people they can pick up and maybe it’s helpful. For somebody who’s already buried and overwhelmed by it, sometimes we think, it’ll automate it, fix it. All we’re doing is adding to that complexity. I concur for sure.

David:  [18:02] That’s a good point. We started using the software internally, and began to develop that. It was so exciting to me to see how the automation and GIS could help. I have to call them the quick clickers, Josh and his group, because they get clicking ahead of me there. I’d say, “Go back a couple of clicks and show me that again.”

[18:26] It does. The automation and the technology is so cool for an old operations guy like myself, to see how much power is right there behind it. I see Josh doing a little demo with a couple of things and I get so excited when I see the client say, “Wow!” You see that click that happens and you realize this is going to help somebody, and that’s exciting.

James:  [18:52] I’m sure you all do something similar, but having user groups and these little test groups that, before, were luxury things in our world. One day, I’m going to start a user group or I’m going to do this and try to bring some of these people.

[19:09] Being able to put those things in front of more people ‑‑ various generations, various people in the workforce ‑‑ and getting that feedback, even pre‑rolling out with your own team, but also with some of those prospective users, I think is really refreshing too.

David:  [19:26] Right.

Joshua:  [19:27] It is. That’s absolutely key to any software there is and trying to make it better, is listening to the people that are using it every single day. Not just having a platform for that, actually listening to them.

[19:41] We just had a user group meeting over in East Tennessee for a concentration of clients and it’s great feedback, not only for us, but for the users to speak how they’re using it within their organizations amongst them.

[19:56] You can really glean a lot of information and they can teach each other across the platform. They get so much more out of that than us just listening to how to make the software better. It’s about how to better utilize what’s already out there.

Jim:  [20:14] I’m going to throw this one a little bit. I’ll throw David and I under the bus on this topic in general, because we talk about knowledge transfer, the things that have been learned over decades and transferring those to the next generations.

[20:28] I’ll speak for David and myself, I think over the last probably 5 to 10 years, I would say that both of us have also learned ourselves from the younger generation. A lot of these, we’re doing Zoom calls now like it’s second habit. It’s no big deal, where a year and a half ago, I was like, “Wait, where do I do what? Turn on the computer.”

[20:53] It’s interesting about that, though, and I really like the flow of the data going back and forth.

James:  [21:00] I think, Jimmy, with the younger generations, we think it’s built into them. Just because they’re on Snapchat, they’re going to be able to run a GIS client or an 0Q or a training software.

[21:21] Yeah, some things work, but that’s where I think that why comes in. If they understand the why and where, that’s really what some of these younger generations really want to know. If nobody can tell them then they’re trying to find that answer. Getting some momentum with that group and a lot of time with the more tenured generations. See what I did there?

Jim:  [21:44] I liked that, thank you.

James:  [21:47] They understand the why earlier, but it’s more of the how. Being able to cater to those learning styles, the generations, all that is becoming really, really important. It always has been but, obviously, we’re under the gun a little bit.

Jim:  [22:01] We are.

Joshua:  [22:02] There’s a more focused effort now to that

James:  [22:05] Deliberate. Yeah, for sure.

Jim:  [22:10] I want to know what’s next for Magnolia River. You guys are moving and shaking. You guys are doing a lot in the industry ‑‑ Magnolia River in the energy world ‑‑ that if we don’t see each other at a trade event, when we have a live or even virtual, we’re like, “Wait, what’s wrong?”

[22:25] You guys are running and gunning, but what’s next for Magnolia River? Give us some fun inside facts. Well, if you can, we’re outsiders.

David:  [22:34] I’ll give a little bit at there and then let Josh tell you a little bit about some exciting things that we’ve got coming up.

[22:42] In 2000, like I said, we’ve grown to around 500 employees, we did an acquisition ‑‑ our second one from back in 2013, we did one ‑‑ and did a lot more with GIS and geospatial. In 2020 we were able to join the services of LISCO ‑‑ Leak Survey Incorporated ‑‑ and are actually rebranding that to Surview Field Services to add Additional Field Services, which Additional will be announced as time goes forward.

James:  [23:16] Maybe on the show.

David:  [23:18] Sorry?

James:  [23:21] Maybe on the show.

David:  [23:22] Yeah, yeah.

Joshua:  [23:23] Award‑winning.

David:  [23:24] Yes.

[23:25] [laughter]

Jim:  [23:25] I love you, Josh.

David:  [23:30] In December of 2020, we were actually acquired by WEP ‑‑ Warren Equity Partners ‑‑ and that’s a private equity firm. Ronnie, very thoughtful, as always taking care of the employees. With what we’ve experienced over the last almost two years now, COVID, there was a lot of concerns. Are we going to be able to take care of everybody?

Jim:  [23:53] Yeah.

David:  [23:54] Thankfully, again, Ronnie is looking out for us. WEP has been a great team to work with. It says WEP, One Equity Partners, and we feel very much like a partner working with them.

[24:11] Looking forward to the things that are to come, hard to explain and express all of those, because it is exciting. A lot of new companies and we’ve made some key acquisitions in other areas recently, outside of the Southeast from where we’ve been very prevalent with our business and excited about that.

Jim:  [24:37] I see another show coming up, James, right? Like you said.

James:  [24:39] Yeah, I feel like I can see legal and marketing in David’s glass reflection, they’re shaking their head like, “We’ve broken some kind of unwritten rule.”

[24:50] [laughter]

David:  [24:52] It was only so much, but let Josh tell you a little bit more about some of the services that we’re at.

Joshua:  [24:58] Definitely.

Jim:  [24:59] Please.

Joshua:  [25:02] We’ve always prided ourselves on technology‑driven leading edge type practices and we’re just going to continue that. We’ve gotten out ahead of a lot of trends and technologies, and been able to test those and see really where the industry is going to head with that.

[25:23] One good thing about that is we have that experience for our clients. This is not saying that all were bad, but we know the pros and the cons of each one, and we can apply those to different organizations.

[25:38] Our technology is really when I get happy. It’s seeing our own internal software grow. The more and more it gets out there, the more and more gets utilized, the more we can make it better for not only the organizations, but the energy industry. That’s really big for us.

[25:59] We’ve done a rebranding of the software called GeoCurrent and you can think of it as the Microsoft Office Suite, but for the natural gas industry and really just the utility industry in general.

[26:14] It’s made up of several different applications that are out there to help, such as your @RISK software. It helps them to planning and budgeting for your SHRIMP and DIMP programs. You have different type of risk analysis that are there. We have construction management and documentation applications that are mobile and GIS applications that allow you to do digital apps building.

[26:40] It’s very exciting to see where this goes. Our big star of the show, I guess, you would really say is our flow GIS software, which is our compliance software. We’ve just had a major update to it, changed our user interfaces and our mobile platform there. We’re really excited to get all of our clientele changed over and reintegrated into that. Our user groups were key in making sure that addition was made.

David:  [27:13] Those aren’t GeoCurrent.

James:  [27:14] I feel like Josh and I need to do a nerd session.

Joshua:  [27:19] Yeah.

Jim:  [27:19] You guys would do good.

James:  [27:20] Jim and David can just sit there and watch.

Joshua:  [27:22] He can DOT Dig.

James:  [27:24] He tell them.

David:  [27:25] I’m learning a lot more about RNG projects and stuff from these young guys. That’s pretty good stuff.

Jim:  [27:31] That’s an interesting field. Absolutely. You’re absolutely right, you and Josh could go geek out for days on this stuff.

James:  [27:39] Days.

Jim:  [27:40] David and I will sit like this, “Good.”

James:  [27:43] Good job kiddos.

David:  [27:45] Show me that click again.

[27:46] [laughter]

Joshua:  [27:46] Giving a thumbs up.

James:  [27:49] Hold on, have we talked about the award yet? No, I’m just kidding.

David:  [27:53] Yeah.

Jim:  [27:52] The award‑winning?

David:  [27:54] Yes, its technology, award‑winning.

James:  [27:57] Award‑winning. Somebody asked us at AGA what we did.

[28:02] [laughter]

James:  [28:04] We laughed, because mostly.

Jim:  [28:05] Hey, that’s what Energy Worldnet did. Energy Worldnet.

James:  [28:08] Early years. We’ve been around 30 years and this person obviously wasn’t going to buy our product that day. Then Chris and I were at the booth and they said, “What is it you‑all do? Are you‑all a T‑shirt and podcast company?” We said, “Yeah.”

David:  [28:24] Yeah.

Joshua:  [28:26] That’s it.

James:  [28:27] Now it’s an internal joke. When somebody goes, “What is your elevator pitch?” That’s what we say.

David:  [28:33] Well, I think we only have about 400 and something employees utilizing your product.

Jim:  [28:40] Yeah, you do David.

James:  [28:41] Long time clients. Long time clients.

Jim:  [28:43] Yeah, pretty much. Absolutely.

James:  [28:44] Jimmy, I’m a wrap this one up if you are ready.

Jim:  [28:47] I’m ready man. Do it.

James:  [28:49] I hate to do it. This is the part that we hate because we can sit on here all day.

Joshua:  [28:54] Good.

James:  [28:56] You don’t win awards that way. We do something to wrap the show, we’ve done a couple of different things, but this is a new one for us.

[29:06] One thing we like to push on our podcast is really to give it all away. What can you give to the audience? What can you give to the industry? Things of that nature.

[29:19] You both have the floor, it’s your time. Is there anything you want to share with our industry, with our audience? Just anything that’s on your heart or in your mind right now. Now, you‑all can fight over who goes first.

David:  [29:36] I told Josh earlier today. I wake up in the morning, sat and read with my wife. This morning there was a verse that we reviewed in James and Anna. It just talked about our plans and our goals.

[29:58] We are truly blessed with a great team of people and it’s always great to have goals, but we have to realize where all of our blessings flow. I think that verse was there for a reason. Our goals, we just can’t leave God out of them, because we’ve been truly blessed with so much and so much to be thankful for. I just wanted to share that, because those kind of things happen for a reason, just before that.

Jim:  [30:31] Great. That was great.

James:  [30:32] Father, mother.

David:  [30:33] Yeah.

James:  [30:34] Also my favorite Book from the Bible.

David:  [30:37] I don’t know.

James:  [30:38] Just kidding. Josh?

Jim:  [30:41] Oh, you’re going to give the name there. Officer, wait, I see what you did there. I see what you did there.

James:  [30:44] Award‑winning book from the war.

Joshua:  [30:46] Award‑winning book, yeah.

David:  [30:47] James.

James:  [30:48] Josh?

Jim:  [30:48] Get us on your trick, Josh.

Joshua:  [30:51] David and I, we discussed some things this morning, just before we came into this award‑winning web series here, podcast, if you will. We were just talking about some things, looking back at our history and where we are today.

[31:15] I think one thing that kept coming up is, of course, relationships, that is what we’re built on, but staying humble and persevering in the times that we’re in. Growing with whatever opportunities that are there and looking at the past to also learn from those. Living in the now, tomorrow’s not always promised. Let’s stick with what we know right now and keep moving forward.

David:  [31:47] Super thankful for our relationship with you guys.

Jim:  [31:49] Oh, so are we.

James:  [31:51] Likewise, likewise. It’s always refreshing to see you‑all about. We’ve been blessed to work together for a long time. Hopefully, we’re blessed to do the same moving forward. Guys, I appreciate you‑all. Appreciate you coming on and putting up with our antics, playing along with award‑winning today.

David:  [32:10] Love it.

James:  [32:12] It has been nice to rub elbows with you‑all out and about this past quarter, really. Lovely what you‑all are doing out in the industry. Very appreciated. I’m really excited for the Addition in Summer as well in Austin. It’ll be a wild one, we’re all out there together next year, soaking it in.

Jim:  [32:36] Oh, yeah. It’s going to be a busy year. I want to wrap it up, again, David and Josh thank you so much for joining us.

David:  [32:43] Thank you.

Jim:  [32:43] Audience members, whatever platform you’re watching us on, if you do want to hop over to the LinkedIn platform and connect with these gentlemen as well as follow Magnolia River, connect with as many people as you can, learn about them, learn what they do, you will be amazed.

[32:59] On behalf of all of us here, we thank you for tuning in and put it up with our antics and our fun every day. As I always say, every time, please everyone stay safe and we’ll see you next time on Coffee with Jim and James. Take care everybody.

David:  [33:14] Thank you, again.

Joshua:  [33:15] Thank you, guys.

[33:15] [music]