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14 min read

CWJJ Episode 63: Summer Schauer

Thursday, June 24- We have a VERY special alum from The University of Texas at Austin, Summer Schauer, joining the show to share her experience as a graduating senior during quarantine, as well as her hopes and ambitions as she enters the workforce.

Quick Links:

Summer Schauer on Linkedin

Episode Transcript

Jim:  Good morning everyone. Welcome to a very special and personal coffee with Jim and James today. James, I have to tell you a quick story about the lady that is joining us today. [0:00] [0:34]

James:  No surprise. [0:00] [0:35]

Jim:  Well, you know, a fun story about her that a lot of people might not know, is that she is a huge dog lover. And when I say that, I’m not saying, I’m talking on steroids, like she would drive 500 miles to save a dog. Quick story, I was in California’s probably five years ago. Traveling on business. I get a call from her. At that time. She was 15,16 years old maybe. Right, it might have been six years ago and she calls me, she goes “Dad.” [0:00] [1:06] And at that time we were, I was single dad at the time, so raising Summer and she was in high school and she said, “Hey Dad, I don’t know if it’s going to happen but if you get a call from a rescue foundation about a dog, don’t be alarmed.” And I’m like, What, what did you do?” She’s like, “Well, I was online and I found this cute little puppy and he was found in a park in Houston and abandoned,” and the whole bit. I’m like “OK, I’m busy.” You know, and I’m not 20 minutes later my phone’s ringing. [0:00] [1:37] I’m like, what is it? “Hello, this is Jim.” “Hi, we are from Forgotten Pet Advocates.” I remember the name, and they’re like, “We understand that you want to adopt Tessa?” Wasn’t that her name, Tessa? So, I said, “OK, sounds good. What about, you know, we’ll think about it.” They’re like, “Well, we’ll drop her by on Sunday. I’m like, “Huh, what.” To this day, we, er, her name is now Remington and she is a beautiful, black lab mix, Summer. Something like that. [0:00] [2:08]

Summer:  I don’t really know. I can see border collie in her. [0:00] [2:13]

James:  Black lab half fence jumper. That’s what they call that. [0:00] [2:17]

Summer:  It looks like a miniature black golden retriever basically. [0:00] [2:20]

James:  I’m telling you, good enough. [0:00] [2:22]

Summer:  Our first dog, our first big dog though, so. [0:00] [2:24]

Jim:  It is. [0:00] [2:25]

James:  How about how about starting the show off with a real story for once. Can we get a round of applause for that? If Amy was doing this where they put claps in. I’m just happy to have a guest on where we tell the real story, Summer. So glad to meet you even when not in person. It’s so weird because I feel like I know you so well. I’ve worked with your dad, and closely with your dad for a long time, but great to put, you know, face to a name and then also get to spend some time in the pre‑show with you. [0:00] [2:54]

Jim:  Yep. So, so are you nervous? So you ready for this? It’s going to be grilling. [0:00] [2:59]

Summer:  I’m excited. [0:00] [3:00]

Jim:  Are You? [0:00] [3:01]

Summer:  Yeah. [0:00] [3:03]

Jim:  Well, audience, Summer has just graduated from UT University of Texas at Austin and we thought it’d be interesting to have her on the show and kind of get a little perspective. Because one perspective, we talked a lot about COVID and the pandemic in the industry, but Summer, you know, you have been a senior this last year at UT Austin, which is one of the most renowned known schools in the United States. Big fifty, sixty, seventy thousand people. [0:00] [3:29]

James:  Per do. [0:00] [3:30]

Jim:  How has your senior year been during COVID the pandemic, you know. Give us a little insight as to what it was like. [0:00] [3:38]

Summer:  I mean, it’s been, it’s been good. I wasn’t here for the beginning of the pandemic in quarantine, it’s weird because I feel like I always have these, like, gut feelings with different things and so spring break 2020. So, about a year ago, a little over a year ago, I was like, you know what, I think I’m gonna go home for spring break. I’m gonna go visit dad. And I got there and I think, literally a few days later that’s when quarantine set in and I was stuck there for two and a half months, I wouldn’t say stuck. [0:00] [4:18]

Jim:  I was gonna say, wait a minute. Did she say stuck? You were there. [0:00] [4:22]

James:  Stuck in Florida. [0:00] [4:23]

Jim:  The time that we had together was two and a half months, and the weird part is, she, what did you expect? You expected to stay a week, didn’t you? [0:00] [4:31]

Summer:  Yes. [0:00] [4:32]

Jim:  Yeah, and so. [0:00] [4:33]

James:  I remember, I remember, yeah, I remember it happening, and the reason I remember is because I remember going Jimmy, “Where’s Summer? How’s Summer? You know, because in the middle of that we were, you know, toilet paper shortage and water shortage, you know, everything was going bonkers and I was like, “Does she need anything? What do we need to do?” And he was like, “Oh, she came home like two days before,” you know. I was like, “Wow.” So, kudos for that whatever gut feeling you have. [0:00] [5:00]

Summer:  Yeah, so, I mean it all worked out and I’m really thankful that I was there. I mean, it would have been a lot more stressful being here by myself with my dog too, and living in this era that no one has ever experienced, and so it was fun. It was cool. We both learned how to transition over to virtual things, me for class, dad for work. And I think it was about a year ago too, that y’all started this. [0:00] [5:30]

Jim:  Yep. [0:00] [5:30]

Summer:  It was an exciting time, but yeah. So, then when I got back, I mean, it’s so weird because UT, it isn’t like a city, it’s not even necessarily like a college town, there’s people everywhere from all over, and so, coming back in like the streets are just empty and no one’s here, it was weird. [0:00] [5:51]

James:  It was weird. [0:00] [5:52] summer: It was weird. But, I mean, all the students learned to just push through it, get through it. All of my friends, we all were there for each other and so, it was good, but it was weird without football games. Without, I’m in a sorority too. And so, or I was, I’m an Alumni now, in Zeta, and we had no events anymore. Everything was closed, restaurants. [0:00] [6:23] So, life was just different. The library. I used to go to the library with my friends, I think, probably every day, if not every like other day, and we’d stay there all night and it was like, we really loved it. It was our thing to do, but then I haven’t been to the library since. So, I learned to stay up all night in my room, which, I mean, it kind of works out because my do have my dog and so I got to spend a lot of time with her, so she loves it, obviously. [0:00] [6:54] But yeah, it’s been fun. It’s starting to become normal‑ish again, which is a relief, but yeah. [0:00] [7:06]

James:  Summer, you mentioned the virtual world and in your dad having to learn the virtual world as well. Being someone who had to, look at, hey bro go back, looking at. [0:00] [7:18]

Jim:  That’s a blue hat. [0:00] [7:18]

James:  That’s a blue hat one. That’s a good one. That’s the original one, but you know, someone that had to drag your dad kicking and screaming into the virtual world. I know, you know it’s, it was a tough transition for a lot of people, but you know, in your your world, you know, in college transitioning, the virtual. How did that look, how do you feel like you did? Any takeaways from it or anything that you’d share with us? [0:00] [7:49] Summer, Well, being younger, I mean, students are more familiar with stuff like this, I would say. So, there’s professors, my professors, some of them really struggled with it too. And so, we were all kind of in it together. My professors were so understanding with everything and they just really, they wanted the best for us and they just wanted us to succeed, but also I’m dealing with… [0:00] [[8:16] dog barking] [0:00] [8:18]

James:  What is that? The dog from the infam, infamous dog from the story? [0:00] [8:21]

Summer:  I don’t think that’s Rani. I think that’s the other, the new one. [0:00] [8:25]

Jim:  That’s not ours. [0:00] [8:27]

James:  Speaking of the virtual speaking of the virtual world, right. [0:00] [8:31]

Summer:  Right, but yeah, it was, it was something that like we were all in together and we were all supporting each other, and my professors really made it a lot easier in they, with assignments, deadlines, they were just there for us. And, so, I mean. [0:00] [8:49]

James:  That’s good. [0:00] [8:49]

Summer:  Yeah. [0:00] [8:51]

James:  That’s one thing, Summer, that I think, not just, I mean, obviously, I don’t know in a college setting but in general, you know, I think the world did a fairly decent job of just being so human during this time, when, you know, we had been, a lot of people have been so hateful for so long and then to find themselves so many awesome people did awesome things, you know. And, so, to hear that you see everywhere, right? People just being human and passionate, and going, “It’s all right,” you know, “Just try to pay us when you can.” Or, you know, whatever it is, right. I think that’s awesome to hear from, you know, professors being the same way during that time. [0:00] [9:31]

Jim:  Awesome as environment. So, let me ask you, overall do you think people’s grades were affected by the pandemic, meaning were people more apt to do better in‑person or virtually, or do you think it was on a case‑by‑case individual basis? [0:00] [9:47]

Summer:  I would definitely say case‑by‑case. It just depends on the person. I know a lot of people were going through much, or had much more difficult situations than others, and so, I personally, I liked being virtual. I mean, you could do school from anywhere else in college while in Florida, technically, but it just depends. Some people, they like the classroom atmosphere and face‑to‑face with their professors and building those like strong in‑person relationships technically. And so, yeah, but I would, it definitely depends. [0:00] [10:32] I, I liked being online because, I mean, walking to class, one, like going to class, like being on campus is amazing, but there would be times where I’d be stressing out about like a test that I’m about to have and I’m walking and it’s so hot in Texas, and I’m like, “Oh, my gosh.” And like the elevators taking forever, why does my apartment only have one working elevator right now? I mean, there’s a lot of stuff that like went into it and so, it was much more calm when I could just log on to Zoom and be there, but it was also difficult for some professors because there’s a lot of kids that don’t want to turn on their camera. [0:00] [11:12]

Jim:  Sure. [0:00] [11:12]

Summer:  Yeah, and so I could see how it would. You just didn’t really have that full connection with your students, and so. There are some professors that would highly recommend that everyone has it on, but others I’ve had a feud with. [0:00] [11:28]

Jim:  Highly recommend. [0:00] [11:29]

Summer:  Yeah, I’ve had one Professor, it was a small class too, I’d say it was about like 20 people, but it was me and I think like two other people would have their cameras on every, every class and then the rest were just either their names or little pictures, but she never complained about it and she was like the most caring person that I’ve ever come across in college. She was just there for us and so yeah. [0:00] [11:59]

James:  Summer, so now a whole new world begins, right? Alum, UT Alum, right now. Now you’re walking into this business world trying to figure out what you’re going to do, where you headed, what your goals are, what career, paths are ahead of you, where’s your head at? [0:00] [12:19]

Summer:  I, I’m still I’m still kind of trying to figure that out. Not necessarily, I mean, I know I want to stay in Austin. Ideally I would love to stay in Austin and I’m kind of looking into more marketing. I mean, I’ve kind of learned that from you, honestly. Dad taught me a lot and I’ve seen like a lot of the work that you’ve done, but like indirect marketing, kind of like design. [0:00] [12:46] I was in yearbook in, I’d say, senior year of high school. I was a yearbook editor. I was the photo editor, so I became really familiar with like Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Lightroom, Intoprint, different programs like that. And then, I’ve had a lot of projects that I’ve done throughout college. And I’ve, I love PowerPoint, I love making, not just like, simple PowerPoints, like I will spend days like working on like a whole PowerPoint. [0:00] [13:17]

James:  I’ve seen them. Absolutely. [0:00] [13:20]

Summer:  I know. [0:00] [13:20]

Jim:  I made sure of that one. That one was perfect, he had voiceovers and music, and yeah. [0:00] [13:28]

Summer:  Yeah, that was like a 17 minute presentation that I made about a dog trying to convince dad to get a dog. Which we all got to talk about, so it worked, but I… [0:00] [13:39]

James:  Conversion, and that’s that’s called, conversion in marketing. [0:00] [13:42]

Summer:  That’s in my free time. Yeah, I was like, I’m gonna, I’m gonna do this right now. So, and then Canva, I love using Canva. I just had one project where I had to make like PSA posters about this topic, and so I got really familiar with Canva, which is a really cool. [0:00] [14:00]

Jim:  You should share some of that on LinkedIn some point, just some of that. I’ve seen some of your work and it’s phenomenal, at least for somebody like me. I mean, I would hire you if it wasn’t nepotism, in a second because James has seen some of my work and he does not allow me, actually PowerPoint has been taken… [0:00] [14:16]

James:  Like that, that would actually be nepotism. Yeah. They’d look at that and go, there’s no way looking at Jim that she’s ever created anything in their life. I think it’s awesome somewhere. I think that’s a cool flags. What else? Anything else that interests you right now? [0:00] [14:31]

Summer:  I have really been interested in Human Resources, as well. [0:00] [14:35]

Jim:  Why? [0:00] [14:35]

Summer:  I love.. [0:00] [14:37]

Jim:  She’s creative. [0:00] [14:38] James; Hold on. [0:00] [14:40]

Summer:  I’m a rule follower. I’ve always been a rule follower, but… [0:00] [14:43]

James:  We call those people the fun police. [0:00] [14:45]

Summer:  Yeah, right. [0:00] [14:46]

James:  Just kidding. I’m those people. What are we talkin? [0:00] [14:49]

Summer:  Yes, I’ve been looking into both, and then I’ve been looking into companies in Austin. I really want to join a company that I can learn from and grow within whichever industry that I take on. And a company that just has a positive culture and environment atmosphere with people that are motivational. They just will push me to reach my ultimate success and people that I can just rely on and be real with and have real relationships. [0:00] [15:26] And I want to build networks, and just, just grow and learn, and eventually be a person that can mentor other people when they’re starting out, so. [0:00] [15:40]

James:  Look at Jimmy all proud over there in the corner. It’s glowing because you’re glowing. [0:00] [15:46]

Jim:  I mean, seriously, that’s like a lot of the things, except for the rule side, I’m a little iffy on that, but… [0:00] [15:51]

James:  Same, you see, I’m not rule follower, so much, but my HR tie is people, like I, the human part, right? I really enjoy that part, and the psychology, and helping people, and all of that. So, I am not part of the fun police like you, Summer. I think that’s a great, I mean, those are great places. I mean, it sounds like you’re coming for my job though. [0:00] [16:20]

Summer:  I am. [0:00] [16:20]

James:  Because I mentioned both of the things, but great combo, for sure. I love it. [0:00] [16:25]

Jim:  Yeah. [0:00] [16:26]

Summer:  Yeah, I know. I want to welcome you too, and you got me those two books. [0:00] [16:32]

Jim:  Oh, James did? Yeah, oh yeah, yeah. [0:00] [16:35]

Summer:  Like which path to take, kind of, and so. [0:00] [16:38]

Jim:  James does a lot on it forever. [0:00] [16:43]

James:  Yeah. Not one and… [0:00] [16:45]

Summer:  Purple, Purple Cow or something. [0:00] [16:47]

James:  That I don’t have a Purple Cow here, but it’s at the office. But, it’s Purple Cow, amazing? Yeah, good marketing. That’s a marketing essential. [0:00] [16:58]

Jim:  Summer, it’s absolutely a pleasure to have you on the show as a dad, as well as just industry to hear, you know, the people that are graduating, some of the things they’ve gone through. the Journey, you know, your journey ahead of you. Your positive attitude and your can‑do attitude. And I’m stepping aside from my dad, it’s very invigorating, very nice to see. [0:00] [17:18] But, we always finish up the show with one question, and today it’s a little bit different because of the place that you’re at in your life, meaning that you’re just beginning your career. So, I’m going to ask you this question. It’s normally we ask do you love what you do? Now we want to have you back on the show in a year and ask you that, OK. [0:00] [17:40]

Summer:  OK. [0:00] [17:41]

Jim:  But for today, we’re going to ask you this, what brings you happiness everyday? [0:00] [17:46]

Summer:  What brings me happiness everyday? [0:00] [17:49]

Jim:  Yeah. [0:00] [17:49]

Summer:  The people that I’m surrounded with. I mean, all my friends, I mean. You, talking to you, I love Facetiming you. My dog, just, yeah, just having those people to rely on, and to go to whenever you’re facing any struggles, or to be there for other people, too. So, yeah. [0:00] [18:11]

Jim:  You are, you do do that a lot? I don’t think you give yourself enough credit, you seem to always bend over backwards to help other people. And even a quick story. There was her senior year, she was the photo editor and she, as a result of that, she got a free yearbook, which was cool. And I remember her coming home or calling me or something and saying, could she get a check or something for a yearbook, and I’m like, “Yeah, no problem, but didn’t you get one free?” [0:00] [18:38] She’s like, “Yeah. I do, but there’s this, you know, gentlemen, boy in school.” What was his name? [0:00] [18:44]

Summer:  Michael. [0:00] [18:45]

Jim:  Yep, and he, his family couldn’t afford one or whatever, and he was, you know, going to be sad without one. And I think, wasn’t he special needs? [0:00] [18:55]

Summer:  He was autistic, yes. [0:00] [18:56]

Jim:  Yep, and Summer’s like, “So, I want to buy his yearbook,” and I’m like, I’m looking at her. I’m like, “Sure.” [0:00] [19:03]

James:  Anybody else? [0:00] [19:05]

Jim:  I write the checks. She’s like, “Thanks Dad.” And I remember her coming home saying how happy he was when you gave him that yearbook. I mean, you really made his, I’m not gonna say day, but probably week, month, or his senior year of high school. It was a really nice gesture. You’re a very caring and giving person, Summer. [0:00] [19:22]

James:  Little big heart, you have a big heart, like your daddy. [0:00] [19:26]

Summer:  He was a great friend though. We used to go get yogurt and go out to dinner occasionally, so [0:00] [19:32]

Jim:  That’s awesome. [0:00] [19:33]

James:  Summer, it’s been amazing getting to know you. [0:00] [19:37]

Summer:  Thank you. [0:00] [19:38]

James:  You’ll probably have a line up out the door. People looking to hire you, as well you should, me included I’ll probably be in that line too, but we thank you for joining us today. You’ve been amazing. [0:00] [19:51]

Summer:  Thanks for having me, it’s been fun. [0:00] [19:54]

Jim:  Absolutely. [0:00] [19:54]

James:  It wasn’t so bad. [0:00] [19:56]

Summer:  I know. [0:00] [19:58]

Jim:  She might become a regular. [0:00] [20:01]

Summer:  Be interrogated by y’all. [0:00] [20:05]

James:  You might even get a new mug out of it. [0:00] [20:08]

Summer:  I hope so, that mug looks cool, but… [0:00] [20:11]

James:  Yeah. [0:00] [20:13]

Jim:  Yeah. Audience, thanks for tuning in today. Thanks for learning a little bit about Summer. Hope you’ve gained some, just some happiness by, by having her be on the show with us today. I know it brought a very proud moment to my heart and James, thank you for all you contribute. Summer, thank you for joining us. We wish you the best in your career. Things are going to go great for you and please, on a personal note, help me out, somebody please hire her, please. [0:00] [20:43]

James:  Get her off the payroll. [0:00] [20:44]

Jim:  That’s right. [0:00] [20:46]

Summer:  He’s supporting me and my dog. [0:00] [20:50]

Jim:  Until next week, a talk with Jim and James. Thank you for tuning in everybody. As I always say, stay safe. We’ll see you next time. Thank you so much for joining us. Have a great day. [0:00] [21:01]

James:  Summer, thank you. [0:00] [[21:01] music] [0:00]