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23 min read

CWJJ Episode 11: Troy W. Hudson

Thursday, June 18- Voice Actor, Troy W. Hudson joins Coffee w/ Jim & James and he explains how adding professional voice over to e-learning makes the difference.

Episode Transcript:

Troy Hudson:  [0:10] Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, welcome to the most amazing interview show on the information superhighway, now zooming to you live and simultaneously from to secret studio bunkers and dual time zones located somewhere south of Alaska east of Area 51 north of Guantanamo.

[0:29] If we give you one more clue, we’ll all be in deep trouble. It’s the amazing twin namesakes, separated at birth, the two most famous guys not in witness protection, it’s Coffee with James and Jim and their oh‑so‑special guest host, me. [applauds]

Jim Schauer:  [0:45] Hold up. Hold up James I I think we’ve been hijacked man. There is that unbelievable. That is the best intro we have had today. I am blown away.

James Cross:  [0:56] It was professional.

Jim:  [0:57] Is this unbelievable. I mean, I think our our level just raised the bar just went up. I mean…

Troy:  [1:04] Is this thing on? Hello?

Jim:  [1:05] [laughs] That is great. I as you can tell this is going to be a fun episode our special guest Troy. We’re going to introduce him in the second, but that just gives you a little taste of his talent in the voice acting world and I am so excited for it.

[1:21] As always. My partner is with me here James. How are you today, sir? And would you mind doing a little intro of our special guest Troy, please?

James:  [1:30] Wow, I don’t I just don’t know how you follow that right. So let me let me get go down the disappointment path. Now Troy you always always do a great job. Never disappoint appreciate it Jim. I’d be glad to talk about Troy a little bit and his expertise.

[1:48] I actually met Troy through EWN probably three or four years ago. Is that right, Troy, give or take…

Troy:  [1:56] Yep.

James:  [1:56] four years? I’ve been at EWN just over four years and when I heard we were working with Troy on some new learning some voice over work there. I was excited to get to know him. So we actually bonded when he started doing some vlogs and Troy and I really started talking about that and how cool that was.

[2:19] Also, Troy was my number one choice for MC last year at the EWN Conference and Training Summit at the Texas…

Jim:  [2:26] Which was great.

James:  [2:27] That was an awesome event. Troy that’s not the only way I know you I know you as a thought leader in the voice over voice acting world and accomplished videographer. I’ve had to disappoint Troy already today when we couldn’t use his awesome setup. He had earlier. We had to transition but he took it in stride.

[2:49] But Troy welcome to the show. So glad you’re here. Can you give us, you know, my my intro didn’t really do you justice, but can you give us a little more detail about about you know, how you got here. What what got you into this world? And then secondly, give us that 30,000‑foot view of what voice acting really entails.

Troy:  [3:11] Absolutely James Jim. Thank you so much for letting me do that wacky intro for you guys.

James:  [3:16] [laughs]

Troy:  [3:17] It is an honor to be here to be on your on your show. I’ve been watching you guys and I’m excited about being a part of it. So it is indeed an honor. Thank you. the 30,000 foot view, I guess. And by the way, the biggest thing from my takeaway from last year’s conference, you guys put me in a race car.

Jim:  [3:36] Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Troy:  [3:39] That was amazing.

James:  [3:39] You know how many people tell us that Troy, but that’s all they know about EWN is like…

Troy:  [3:44] Hey, that and I got an EWN mug, too.

Jim:  [3:48] Hey, you’re about to get another mug pretty soon there.

James:  [3:51] No doubt about it.

Troy:  [3:52] You see that right there. I keep my pencils in the race car mug that had my picture when I went around in car number 29.

James:  [4:00] Car number 29.

Troy:  [4:01] That was that was amazing. Thank you. That and meeting all you folks was was great. Just just a back‑in kind of back out of the story or add a few more details to what you were talking about James.

[4:14] Mayra Maese was actually the one who hired me like four years ago on some online job site and I almost blew it at the time because I was feeling a little bit too big for my britches, I guess and I was just like well, I don’t know about e‑learning and that was actually So probably the I want to say the second or third e‑learning client I’d ever come in contact with.

[4:36] And I thought, you know commercial was the way to go and you know, the more things with a spotlight on them.

James:  [4:42] You bet.

Troy:  [4:43] I have come to absolutely love doing e‑learning and I’m so grateful for that opportunity that I got excited about doing that and and I just love doing e‑learning now.

[4:56] The 30,000‑foot view, I began doing voice acting way back in ’83, ’84 when I joined the military did a six‑year stint there did radio TV broadcasting different things like that. Lots of on‑camera and behind‑the‑camera work.

[5:13] I also I when I transitioned out of that from ’90 up and through the about the year 2000 I’d worked in corporate in the corporate world did a lot of video production. There, produced directed wrote on‑camera some voiceover.

[5:29] From about 2000 to 2012 it was strictly commercial post‑production house stuff. They’d bring a commercial in I was doing editing 30‑second spots edited about 6 or 700 commercials again, I’d sideline thing was voiceover.

[5:44] So it wasn’t until 2012 when that job went away that I suddenly was left trying to figure out what to do. I got laid off and in 2012. I did a lot of praying and I did a lot of soul‑searching. And I decided to take the plunge into voice acting and I found a few job sites and I kind of figured out how to how to market myself by following a few good mentors along the way.

[6:10] And I was blessed and fortunate to begin to gain momentum and the whole thing was all about customer service for me and delivering over delivering because I knew there was a lot of stiff competition and there is there’s tens of thousands of these folks doing what I’m doing.

[6:26] And so I just began to grow the business and so that kind of fast forward all the way up to where I’m at with you guys. I’ve been working with you guys, I guess for the last four years now and I’ve done hundreds of several hundred. I don’t even know now computer‑based training and virtual reality training.

[6:46] And I have come to put e‑learning in a very special part of my day‑to‑day work because there’s something really special about knowing that, you know a commercial’s a one‑off deal and you know character voice work that I do for some video games different things like that that that’s if you want to call it glamorous, that’s what people think of when they think of voice acting.

[7:13] But there’s a whole element of narration and training and education that I personally just I get a kick out of because you’re handed a lot of times this technical script that full of acronyms and things you don’t really understand and suddenly you have to be the smartest guy in the room.

[7:31] And I’m not the smartest guy in the room, but I have to sound like the guy that is helping these folks understand it. So making a complex comprehensive is something I love to do with with e‑learning and I’m so blessed that you guys keep calling on me to do that and your crew the education crew in your house is just phenomenal.

James:  [7:50] They are phenomenal. Troy you’ve got one thing I’ve noticed is how in this is just by following you no other reason but stalking you on LinkedIn like I do most people.

Jim:  [8:02] Yes, you do. You do it very well James.

James:  [8:04] I’m really good at it. One thing. I’ve noticed with the voice‑over community is it seems pretty tight‑knit. Like is that of I mean is that really the vibe that is put off, or is it very competitive or it’s like kind of a be better environment like you don’t see everywhere.

Troy:  [8:21] It is absolutely the most friendly welcoming sort of brother/sisterhood kind of environment that I’ve ever been exposed to. I mean the fact that there’s so much encouragement career nourishment along the way people are trying to help you.

[8:40] I have run into so many great mentors and people you just ask questions of and they’re freely, you know, giving of the information they’re encouraging they’ll tell you to you know, there’s more than one way to get to where you’re going. You know, this may be my way but there’s other ways. Here’s what I can offer you because it worked for me.

[8:57] And while obviously there’s a business in coaching and a business and production, you know for your demos. There is such a welcoming uplifting environment that I am super excited to be involved with and yeah, I’ve run into so many wonderful people in this industry that have helped me.

[9:15] And it’s just kind of that immediate thing where you want to pay it forward and you just want to help those folks at they’d ask you. OK, well here where I was or I want to be where you’re at in X number of years. You know, how did you get there? What did you do?

[9:29] And it’s really cool because you know, you get that chance to say here are the roadblocks, you know here the stumbling points, you know, what can I do for you to help you get through that? So it’s been done for me and I like to do it for other folks to so yeah, it’s a great it’s a great industry.

Jim:  [9:44] And it sounds very much like the energy industry in very synergetic ways that the energy is so tight‑knit. It’s a it’s one of the smallest biggest communities that I know of.

[9:54] But I think I want to ask a question. Yeah, and I think I want to ask you a question because I think our audience will want to know this you make it look so simple you make it look so carefree so matter‑of‑fact you do spend time every day practicing is there time that you do certain, you know, you talk about the community do and other voice actors work together to like practice?

[10:16] I mean when you come in and do a e‑learning for us, which is phenomenal and I think that people it’s almost like watching a TV show where you don’t you don’t hear all the applause and everything. But if you ever see a TV show with all that taken out, it’s like it’s like two different mediums.

[10:31] So I’m at throwing a lot of stuff at you. But what’s your thoughts on some of those some of those questions?

Troy:  [10:37] Like I said, I’m not the smartest guy in the room. I’ll have to go back to the first question. See if I can remember it.

[10:40] [laughter]

James:  [10:42] The padded room, the smartest guy in the padded room on top of that.

Troy:  [10:47] Yeah, that’s right, it’s completely padded so that that that’s one thing that I want to go back to something you said about the the utility industry you guys are in. I got that vibe and that sense while I was there for three days the connections the friendships the way you guys talk to each other the genuine the genuine authenticness that was there.

[11:08] I felt very much like because I had worked with you guys for so long. And now I suddenly got to meet these long‑lost cousins or the these family members this calling it…

James:  [11:19] We’ve been called worse.

Jim:  [11:20] [laughs]

Troy:  [11:19] I was the stepchild but then again, I was not I felt very welcomed and and and in good company, so thank you for that.

James:  [11:29] [laughs]

Troy:  [11:30] Yeah, I mean it’s it is a very nurturing environment. And you mentioned do I practice do other people practice there’s things that a lot of voice actors do they get into what are called WOGs, WOGs, or workout groups, to where you’ll get a big giant Zoom screen of 15 or 20 different people.

[11:46] Somebody will host it. Somebody will send out copy and everybody will go around and read based on the directions, they’ve got so that’s a way that we stay in tune. There’s a lot of people seek out coaches and they do their thing. A lot of people just download test scripts and they will work on the genre. They really want to work on.

[12:04] So there’s multiple different ways that you can you can hone that craft for me. Honestly. It’s gotten to the point and and auditions are another way when you get requested to send an audition for a particular job.

[12:17] For me. Anyway. I stay very very busy and so my practice really involves me just kind of scanning through and reading the scripts that I get as quickly as I can as naturally as I can and then actually going into the record studio to actually do it.

[12:35] Because a lot of times you don’t have the luxury of looking like for instance later today. I’ve got something on the calendar. That’s 87 pages long and about 6,000 words, but it’s very technical and it’s for a utility group out West and I don’t even know which way I’m pointing. It’s out West.

[12:54] And and so that doesn’t allow me the time because of the deadline to go through and look other than to just check do I know all these acronyms do I know all this stuff? I did that this morning. I sent the questions off to the producer and they quickly responded back and told me what 50 different acronyms, I’m not exaggerating, meant.

[13:14] And so I got familiar with them. I said them out loud. And before I read it I’ll basically I really don’t have a luxury of going to a couple of times and you know dry reading or sorry rehearsed reading I’ll do what’s called a cold read.

[13:28] And I’ll go through and I’ll read a sentence and then if that doesn’t sound quite right, I’ll just back up and do it again and I’ll fix it all in editing and then I’ll send it out to them later tonight or tomorrow.

[13:37] So you’re always in a state of practice. You’re always rehearsing. You’re always kind of fine tuning your and I because we do a lot of different stuff before I got on with you guys.

[13:48] I dealt was. I was on a Zoom call with a guy in Hertfordshire, England, north of London. I think it was. And he was directing me on this crazy 3D audio game system where I was this captain on a boat and you know doing all this stuff.

[14:04] But that is so crazy. You know that the variety is so fun and it’s like sometimes I wish I could just do some things like that with e‑learning, you know, just kind of break into a character just just do some silly stuff like that.

James:  [14:18] Throw in one for free one time and we’ll see if it catches on.

Troy:  [14:20] [laughs]

James:  [14:21] Troy, you saying all that and all the pre‑work and and probably post work you do in general around whatever the subject matter is kind of makes me laugh when I think of you prepping for a show, [laughs] a show like we’re on today and how much of a nightmare it must be for you to be with Jim and I today compared to what you normally do as far as preparation.

Troy:  [14:45] Not a nightmare James. It’s a dream come true.

Jim:  [14:48] Oh boy. He’s a he is he is a voice actor at that one.

James:  [14:54] [laughs]

Troy:  [14:54] In a world where I have the opportunity…

James:  [14:55] Troy, I do have another one.

Troy:  [14:59] to speak with James and Jim.

[15:00] [laughter]

James:  [14:59] And if we don’t do a segment before this is over, a little chunk where we just make him use some of his awesome voices, we’re really losing an opportunity.

Jim:  [15:09] I’d love it, too.

James:  [15:13] All right.

Troy:  [15:13] Well, I would too.

[15:14] [laughter]

James:  [15:15] So so one thing Troy that I wanted to ask you because we talked about, you know the preparation of it and you know, all these different parts and pieces.

[15:26] Tell us a little bit about the logistical side. So right I mean, OK so you’ve got to record something what kind of tools and you don’t have to give us any secrets. I’m just saying what’s your ideal setup? And how has that changed or what? Does that look like during this crazy time that we’re in you know, are you mobile are you able to you know, what’s that look like for you?

Troy:  [15:52] I’ve got a home studio that I record in and I do all the editing in the same room. I’ve got an iMac computer in one room with all of the external media drives. I’ve got four Thunderbolts or Thunderbolt 2 drives that store all my audio files and video files.

[16:10] I use Adobe Audition to record the audio I use Adobe Premiere to do any video work. I’m doing and what I’ve got. I’ve got a string of banded cables basically going into another room which is the actual physical space. I record in the padded room where you which is where I’m at right now.

[16:26] All that other equipment is about 10 feet and two walls away from 20 feet and two walls away from me right now. So it’s all I’m connected via a screened a mirrored monitor to that iMac computer and what I’m looking at right now is a Dell 21 inch that’s big enough for me to see scripts on.

[16:44] I’ve got two monitors that I can use other than the DT‑770 beyerdynamic headphones I’ve got over here is a Sennheiser right there. Say hello. This is the Sennheiser MKE H 416 shotgun microphone.

[17:05] And it’s got a unique pickup pattern that basically just is because it’s a shotgun it just points, right? Here and a pickup pattern is very narrow. So it’s ideally it’s great for voice over work. A lot of film crews actually use it on movie sets because it’s it targets the sound because it picks up that that pattern right here.

[17:24] So and this little thing on the end is a called a pop screen I don’t know if you can see that but that is so the plosives the Ps and the Bs mostly the pah, pah, that sound. I’m actually recording on a different mic. But if I were doing that that’d be really obnoxious, so that’s what that is.

[17:42] Again sound treatment is super super important a lot of thick acoustical blankets foam tile sound absorption on the walls windows stuffed so full of foam that it took me a while when I moved to actually get it out.

[18:01] Because I’m not in a I’m in a rental property right now. So I’m not actually in a place that I can tear walls out and fix things. I’ve had to improvise and figure that out. over the years what works best.

[18:13] The sound quality the the sound quality so important because people expect you know, they’re so bombarded and saturated with high‑quality media every day. You expect the sound.

[18:27] And I’ve heard this in so many different people’s videos that the video may look amazing. But if you have really cruddy sound they’re going to tune you out and it’s going to be more distracting than if you get this occasional, you know flutter in the video or if it’s less than optimum quality. They want to hear what you have to say.

[18:44] Same thing with the computer‑based training same thing with the voiceover stuff you send out so logistics‑wise if I get a script I stay connected via my phone via different apps. I get audition requests. I have a regular group of wonderful people like EWN that call on me to do different things and I’m on numerous job sites where I will go out and submit bids and offers and things like that.

[19:10] So when I get a job, they’ll send me a script and directions and they’ll give me an estimated time that they need it. I’ll send them back. I’ll look at the script. I’ll read over it a few times. I’ll crank it out. I’ll record it onto Adobe Audition. I’ll edit it. I’ll clean it up and then I’ll send it out as a WAV file or as an MP3 file or whatever. They need.

[19:30] In a case of e‑learning a lot of times. In fact in all cases things are broken up in slides separate pieces and elements. I’ll deliver those to the education group and I’ll make sure they’re all happy and satisfied and and and it’s that’s basically the logistics of you know where I work and you know the equipment and you know, the process.

[19:55] And usually in most cases I’m turning around stuff the same day. If not next.

James:  [20:00] Yeah.

Troy:  [20:00] And I hate…

James:  [20:02] I can attest to that, for sure.

Troy:  [20:04] I hate to have people waiting on me. I really do because I feel like I’m that last cog, they’ve kind of built the presentation and they’re kind of waiting on me to plug this stuff in so I want to get it to him as fast as possible.

James:  [20:16] Troy, Troy what about and I already know this answer because I’m a nerd and I ask Troy all these questions long before this interview ever started, but I know there’s other nerds out there like me right that just love that that description you gave about the microphone earlier.

[20:36] But what about I know that you have a mobile setup that in a bind and when you’re you know on vacation or whatever and a client needs something in a heartbeat. You’ve got a mobile setup that you travel with as well?

Troy:  [20:51] Absolutely that is critical today and I’ve got, count them, four grandbabies right now ranging in age from eight down to just over two months one month old…

James:  [21:02] No wonder you’re in a padded room all the time.

Jim:  [21:03] Congratulations.

James:  [21:04] [laughs]

Troy:  [21:05] Thank you and the two‑month‑old I haven’t seen for since I’ve never seen the two‑month‑old yet. I have not because of COVID and everything and just you know, Mom and Dad are keeping her safe and which is smart. But this Friday in a few days from when we’re recording will get the chance to go down and actually see this sweet little girl.

[21:26] So having four grandkids spread around and family spread around. I thought a couple of years ago. I need to be able to pick up and travel and get a go‑bag basically, but the quality needs to be as good as what I’m recording in my studio and it doesn’t [inaudible] when it comes to that.

[21:46] So if I can find that Then that’s what I’ll do and I’ll feel more comfortable about going as opposed to sending an email to somebody and saying hey guys. Sorry. I’m out of the loop for three days or four days.

Jim:  [21:57] Right, right.

Troy:  [21:57] In this case. I said that’s not acceptable because that’s an inconvenience to the people I work with and it just wouldn’t fly and so for the for the ability to travel and for just keeping business I invested in what’s called a DAW. Not a DAW, it’s an audio interface via a laptop computer and I’m MacBook Pro, a Sennheiser microphone and all the little accessories that go with it.

[22:32] And then it’s just a matter of treating the space. Once I pull everything out of the case it literally fits in a backpack.

Jim:  [22:38] OK.

Troy:  [22:39] I pull it out put it on a mic stand and this is exactly how I handled the work when I was in Texas with you guys last October for the conference. I was there in a hotel room in the Dallas Fort Worth area and I think for three days including the event and I was bombarded with work in addition to doing the responsibility. You guys had me doing.

James:  [23:03] Yeah.

Troy:  [23:03] Well, I was booked during that time and when I was not with you guys, I was in that hotel room. I had set up cushions. I broken up the couch not break out, but, you know took the cushions off. I had created a pillow fort‑based…

Jim:  [23:17] Multi‑purposed multi‑purposed.

Troy:  [23:18] Yes, multi‑purposed it.

James:  [23:19] Engineered.

Troy:  [23:20] And you know figured out a way to do that and as quiet a way as I possibly could and and just sat it there on the edge of the bed and read the scripts off the laptop and just did my thing edited edited them out sent them out and nobody ever knew.

[23:36] And that’s that’s that’s the key right there. Nobody questioned the quality I could hear no difference. It was it sounded great. And so I was making I was doing business. Making money at the same time. I was out there racing a car around the track. So…

James:  [23:52] Hold on, you were moonlighting. I think he was moonlighting as well.

Troy:  [23:56] Yeah, it was supposed to be emceeing and I was doing other stuff but I appreciate you guys letting me do that on the side.

Jim:  [24:03] It’s interesting because he lives in a virtual world when you think about it. His office is a hotel or a child’s house or a grandchild’s house, you know, wherever he can be and that’s kind of where a lot of us have migrated. During this time of COVID and you know it it’s nice…

James:  [24:22] You don’t have to preach mobility to us.

Jim:  [24:25] Yeah.

James:  [24:26] We’ve been preaching for a long time.

Troy:  [24:28] I have really enjoyed watching the journey you guys have chronicled and kept track of on LinkedIn and I was honored to be part of a Zoom meeting you guys had with a two or three dozen people about a month or so back. It was amazing to watch you…

James:  [24:47] The webinar.

Troy:  [24:48] Yes, the webinar and that was very cool to be invited to it to be part of that to watch and see so many you know faces that I had a chance to meet and some I didn’t get a chance to meet out in Texas but to get to watch you guys evolving and figuring it out and kind of being at the forefront of of learning how to do that before it ever became necessary for you to do that.

[25:09] I thought that was really good forward thinking on your part and on your crew’s part.

James:  [25:14] We’ll, be sure our bosses are listening.

[25:16] [laughter]

Jim:  [25:17] Wait, Troy. Can you say that one more time, please, and a little bit louder in a…

James:  [25:21] In a big voice one of your famous…

Troy:  [25:24] EWN. Setting the pace remote working pandemic, pfft, please.

James:  [25:32] I love it.

Troy:  [25:32] Next challenge.

[25:33] [laughter]

James:  [25:35] This is really why we had you here.

Troy:  [25:37] OK, I’m done.

James:  [25:38] [laughs] So in this next one, you can do it in whatever voice you’d like Troy.

[25:45] We we’ve seen your talents right because we’ve worked with you for the last four years, but I think one of the big opportunities for our industry other industries is realizing you know training and things like that happen everywhere. And you’ve already said there’s a there was a passion you didn’t even know you had for the e‑learning and and kind of that sub‑genre.

[26:09] And so when I look across and I see the focus of our industry of natural gas industry on really customizing training to where, you know specific to your company. There’s no question right that it’s addressing the things that it needs to. What are your thoughts on the value of voice over in that world?

Troy:  [26:33] The value of voice over in e‑learning is so critical and I get where some people are like, you know, it’s show them visuals are do PowerPoints or or do whatever.

[26:43] The ability to communicate effectively with somebody in a very natural conversational way while there may be somebody that knows A to Z, everything about a topic, you know, as far as the safety as far as the regs as far as you know the equipment as far as every acronym that you can possibly know. I get they’re the matter experts and I respect that completely.

[27:05] I think what having a professional voice‑over person to help guide the people that are in most cases a captive audience. I think that you guys do a great job.

[27:17] I’ve seen some of the video production quality come out of your education group. It is phenomenal. It is really top‑shelf stuff and knowing I was able to see that I’d done a lot of voice‑overs for you guys before, but then seeing that just kind of brought it up to a whole new level.

[27:33] I was like, you know, I don’t know how I don’t always know how it know the narration part’s being used. I don’t always know the best way to convey that other than just to look at it and go OK that you know, I would emphasize this or I would speak it like this or who’s listening?

[27:49] I like to kind of know who’s listening and you know and kind of get a mental picture of people sitting there or even one person sitting there on their iPad or iPhone or whatever they’re doing. The ability to communicate that effectively is super super important.

[28:04] Because the sound of the human voice not an electronic digitized voice digitized voice, but the sound of a normal human speaking conversational voice telling you folks be careful out there. This is a matter of life and death. If you do this something bad could happen.

[28:20] Having that sense of a caring person on the other end is something I really get excited about doing because there’s you can look at it as dry kind of you know basic information and facts on a page or you can look at it as the person on the other end of that listening to your voice looking at those visuals.

[28:41] Some of this is seriously life and death. Some of it is making a difference to whether or not they get moved on or they can keep a certain rating or a certain accreditation or whatever. It may be that I take that really serious when I’m when I’m looking at that I don’t just skim over and go see how far 1922.1, blah blah blah blah, PPE. It’s like that is it’s really important stuff.

[29:02] And it’s like they may have heard it a hundred or a thousand times and I got a few a few guys’ feedback a few folks’ feedback at the conference. I sat at a table and had lunch with these guys and they were telling me you know, oh you’re that guy I’ve heard how many hundreds of times.

[29:16] I was like, yeah, what’d you think you know it I get that they’re a captive audience. So you want to make it as interesting as you possibly can and you’d want to try to tell a story even though you’re doing e‑learning and it’s it may be very very factual just you know, it’s cut and dry.

[29:33] The ability to just kind of break it down and talk it naturally is a challenge but it’s it’s a cool challenge at the same time and I take it as serious business.

Jim:  [29:42] Well, you do take a serious business and I’ll say this that we may not always notice it as I’ll just say participants out in the utility world.

[29:52] But when we’re listening to you talk and we’re looking and reading or following along or a video or something and the inflection in your voice when it becomes a critical step. You know, you you have that talent where our auditory picks up saying well, wait a minute. This is serious. We really need to pay attention.

[30:10] Because the voice I’m hearing says, yeah, you shall dah, dah, dah, dah, dah or be very dah, dah, dah, it is that tone that really sets us. It kind of makes us go. Wait a minute. I gotta pay. I mean not that I don’t always pay attention cause I do. James?

[30:25] Anyways, but anyways, it really helps and it’s all part of the whole package and I and I commend you on that because it’s a tremendous talent.

Troy:  [30:34] Thank you. Jim that actually means a lot to me because I assume I’m getting that across but actually to hear you say it. I mean that’s that’s that’s what I’m going for.

[30:44] I mean, it’s just to make it is to make it conversational make it sound you know where the important stuff is stop pause a little bit. Don’t rush through that part convey that this is important and now let’s move on to some of the other stuff. But thank you for saying that. I appreciate it.

James:  [30:58] It is.

Jim:  [30:59] Well, it’s my pleasure.

James:  [31:00] So Roy like we always do about this time we could talk all day with you you’re one of those guests that it’s so fascinating what you do and it’s one of those also that when you don’t realize it’s there, you don’t realize it’s there until it’s not there and so we’ve taken it for granted like most people do but we can sit here and talk all day.

[31:26] Do you have any final thoughts or for you know anything you’re compelled to tell our audience before we wrap this thing up?

Troy:  [31:34] Well, I talk all day for a living. So, you know, whether I’m talking to you or recording something for some…

[31:39] [laughter]

Troy:  [31:43] I can’t I can’t thank you guys enough for having me part of this because I’ve seen you the esteemed line of lineup of guests. You guys have had and to be included in that and to be able to to work with EWN and the various groups that you guys reach out to I have no idea sometimes how far out it goes.

[32:03] E‑learning for me is honestly a passion. It’s become a passion of mine because I realized the importance of it and I love the quality of writing that has gone up the of the scripts that I get over time is is really really cool.

[32:17] I mean because I’ve gotten some not you guys but I’ve gotten some stuff that really struggled as far as it was handled by somebody that you know, I think they really didn’t understand. That a human being was going to be talking and sharing this with other folks.

[32:35] And having a good, you know, a writing base a good understanding of that and then letting somebody interpret that is so important.

[32:45] So yeah, I would just say that voice over in e‑learning, you know, it’s obviously it’s a huge thing, and it’s I’m very fortunate and blessed to have it be part of my business and thank you guys for continuing to call on me.

Jim:  [32:58] Absolutely and Troy we’re blessed to have you on today. We thank you greatly for the time as James and I I know we both feel right now we could talk for hours on this and just listen to you because it’s fascinating. And I can’t thank you enough for joining us today.

[33:16] We would encourage our audience if you would like to get to know Troy, you know, Troy W. Hudson on LinkedIn connect with Troy send him a message reach out to him. Please do or James or myself. If you want to reach out to us. We’re always here. Just hit that message button and send us a message.

[33:37] But until next time we wish everybody in the industry a safe and healthy and happy day. Have a blessed day. Everybody. Take care, and we will see you soon on the next episode of Coffee with Jim & James.

James:  [33:52] All right. Well, bye everybody. Thank you, Troy. Thanks again.

Jim:  [33:55] Thanks, Troy.

Troy:  [33:56] Thank you, guys again.

Jim:  [33:57] Yep.