Coffee with Jim and James (CWJJ)

CWJJ Episode 105: Kickstarting Your Culture

Written by Energy Worldnet (EWN) | Mar 10, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Thursday, March 10- The podcast kicks off a new series called, Kickstart Your Culture. Jim and James discuss culture in the workplace, and provide the roadmap, as Jim calls it, to impact culture within your organization.

Quick Links:

James Cross on Linkedin
Jim Schauer on Linkedin

Episode Transcript

 [0:00] [music] [0:00]

Jim:  [0:00] Schauer [0:00] Top of the morning to everybody. Top of the morning to you, James. Good to see you. I am very excited today. I’ll give a little hint as to this, uh, episode and soon‑to‑be series. [0:00] [0:00] When somebody 20 years ago would have said to me, culture, in the workplace, I would have said, “Culture, who’s bringing in yogurt?” Do you get it? Yogurt culture, active. Come on. [0:00] James Cross: [0:00] I, I get it. I don’t have to like it, but I get it. [0:00]

Jim:  [0:00] That’s sweet. Did you like any of my jokes? I don’t think nobody does. Anyway, I think it’s… [0:00] [0:00] [crosstalk] [0:00]

James:  [0:00] It’s on par. It’s on par. [0:00]

Jim:  [0:00] It’s good to see you, brother, and it’s good you’re…Well, you’re in a little bit of a different environment. This looks, to me, to be like one of your offices at headquarters. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] Mm, it is, it is. Look though, I’m fully branded up here. [0:00]

Jim:  [0:00] I like it. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] I am, I’m in the office this week. I don’t know when this episode will air exactly, but we did have a little weather come through North Texas this past week, and we incurred a little bit of damage at the house, had some, some windows blown out. Um [0:00] [0:00] [crosstalk] [0:00]

Jim:  [0:00] Lost some things in it. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] Lots, lots of hell. Lots of hell. [0:00]

Jim:  [0:00] It could have been satellite dish, though, that’s your life blood, your Internet. And I tell you, you tried to, uh, uh. I don’t know… [0:00]

James:  [0:00] I did everything I could. We, we had made a mockery of this week, I think. Doing the best we can, but we’re safe, you know, thankfully. No issues there. We’re working through it. So, it is what it is, but I’m in the office this week. [0:00] [0:00] So, but Jimmy, I’ll tell you some of the coolest parts. And, you know, I don’t recommend anybody being in that situation, but you reached out to me. Um. I mean, so many people reached out to me this week just to check on me, and see if I need anything, whether if it was work or not. [0:00] [0:00] Um, just it, it said so much about our culture at Energy Worldnet, and I know that’s what this series is about. And honestly, Jimmy, it’s what my role is about now at Energy Worldnet. [0:00]

Jim:  [0:00] Well, well, it is. You had a role change recently, and you’re now our chief cultural officer, which is, uh, such an important role and purpose that you have right now. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] It’s, it’s a lot of responsibility. I will say that was some‑, something that we don’t take very, very lightly. I’m sure some people out there, scratching their head a little bit, going, “Is that, is that a real title. Did you all make that up?” [0:00] [0:00] [crosstalk] [0:00]

Jim:  [0:00] Real title. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] We did. We made it up. It’s real now. No, but, uh, people ask me, “So, what does that even mean?” Really the best way to kind of bring it to life for some people is really that we’ve realized how important our culture is, our people are. [0:00] [0:00] We want to make sure it has a seat at the table, if you will, at a corporate level, so that it impacts every decision that we make. [0:00] [0:00] It’s not the back‑burner thing that we check it against later, it’s an active part of the decisions we make. Culture is driven at a corporate level. That’s a lot of influence and a lot of impact. We got here by taking our lumps like everybody else and really working through it. [0:00] [0:00] What I’m hoping is this series, the why behind this series is, what can we give people some action that they can take to start getting this thing moving? I think we can do that. [0:00] [0:00] We’ve had some awesome guests on that I can’t wait to have back, and some new ones that we’ve never had on to really bring life to some of these points. [0:00] [0:00] I’ve been speaking on this topic kick‑starting a culture, which teaser alert, that’s what our series is going to be called. I speak on these points out in public, but what we’d like to do is bring some folks in to bring those to life, and not just be the echo chamber that is Jim and James. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  James, let me give a thought here that we’ve been in the pandemic for two years now. The pandemic has actually opened up a lot of thought and awareness in our workplace. [0:00] [0:00] I remember a time when somebody would say, “You have an issue at home. Hey, leave it at the door at 8:00 AM, you can pick it back up at five o’clock. While you’re here, clear your mind, just be work focused.” [0:00] [0:00] That was a reality, and I’m not joking 10 years ago, I may have said that to people. Now when I think about it, that is so anti where we are now, because we want the best for people all the way through. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] Absolutely. It’s weird. I bet for a lot of people and a lot of organizations out there, that the pandemic was the catalyst to the culture discussion. Here’s the good news/bad news, everyone. [0:00] [0:00] Your culture is being made right now whether you’re an active part or not. [laughs] You can get involved and affect positive change within that culture or you cannot and it will be shaped either way, either by your action or inaction. I’m all for the pandemic being a catalyst for some organization. [0:00] [0:00] Some people needed their hands forced. I will say that we were blessed at Energy World to have started on this culture journey for a while now. I won’t say that the pandemic wasn’t a catalyst for us as well, because in a way it was. [0:00] [0:00] If we hadn’t started that journey two, three years before and really got involved, I can’t imagine what the pandemic would have been like, and what still what it would be like. We’re not out of it. We’re coming up to two years of it. [0:00] [0:00] The groundwork that we had laid going into it, I think really drove home how important it was when we…Where we stand now, when we look back at it, that is what made us so successful during this pandemic. [0:00] [0:00] We were flexible, we had things in place, but if our culture wouldn’t support it…I bet there were cultures out there that absolutely imploded, because they were built on old data and lagging indicators. They weren’t an active part of their own cultures. [0:00] [0:00] After it blew up, they had to get to work. If I’m talking to you, I’m talking to you. I’m not calling anybody out. Either way again, your culture is being shifted and shaped. If that’s what it took to get involved, amen to that. For us personally, we were on that journey. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  We were. [0:00] [0:00]

James:  It almost created more of a bonding experience for us, because we were…Look, we became more vulnerable, don’t get me wrong. Energy World did. I would say a lot of us did, society. We talked about mental health this past two years more than I’ve ever seen anything talked about. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  Openly. [0:00] [0:00]

James:  I’ll take that catalyst all day long if that’s what it means, we’re going to begin that conversation. I’m happy to hear culture permeate our industry, other industries, be a natural conversation. [0:00] [0:00] I’ll tell you internally, myself, that was a big turning point for me is when it would come up in conversation, and it wasn’t me talking. For a long time, and we’ll talk about that later when we talk about putting this thing in action. [0:00] [0:00] For a long time I was the person saying culture. I was the person beating the drum. I was the one doing the thing, the culture widget, whatever that is. I was the one making it, and I was the one living in out, and I was trying to implement it. [0:00] [0:00] When that dialogue shifted, and I heard it out of other people’s mouths more than my own, and I got to step back a little bit and go, “Now we’re talking.” All right. The pandemic pushed us in that direction. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  Look at everything in the marketplace, some of the key indicators. Two and a half, three years ago when we went to conferences and sat in on sessions, we were talking about hardware, regulators, valves, the infrastructure, integrity. [0:00] [0:00] You didn’t hear a lot of subjects on mental health. You didn’t hear subjects on culture, positive culture in the workplace. You didn’t hear a lot of those. Now, they’re like, “You, James, have been sought out by at least two or three, four organizations to give your presentation on that.” [0:00] [0:00] Because of that, I think so many people are seeing it. The other thing I wanted to mention, it almost goes back to our Steve Allen PSMS type of thing, where Steve says all the time, getting started on a PSMS journey is easy because you are already doing a lot of things you may not be aware of it. [0:00] [0:00] It’s just like taking those pieces and putting them together. I view the culture the same thing. We got all the backbone and got all the pieces, it’s being now more proactive and brave to say, “This is great. This is great. This is great.” They come together. Am I right about that? [0:00] [0:00]

James:  It goes back to what I was saying. It’s just getting involved. You can shape your culture by the amount of activity or lack thereof. If you’re having troubles within your groups, your organization, your leadership, whatever that subgroup is, I promise you, step back. [0:00] [0:00] It’s probably rampant everywhere else. Are you really involved in that portion, or you’re letting it work, “Oh, it works itself out?” Yeah, it does. [laughs] Doesn’t always mean good, right? [0:00] [0:00] Being an active part is huge. That’s what I hope these points will lead us to. Breaking them down this way has helped me too, because I can go back. [0:00] [0:00] Everybody wants to know how we’re going to get there. “What’s the cheat code? What’s the bad news?” There’s not one. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  There’s a road map, though, right? [0:00] [0:00] [crosstalk] [0:00]

James:  [0:00] There is. We can send you down the path, but just like safety culture, it’s a journey, not a destination. It’s continuous improvement. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  It never ends. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] It’s checking habits, having really rough conversations all the time. Again, actively curating that culture is the difference‑maker. [0:00] [0:00] You can lay back and you can say, “That’s for big organizations or whatever”, but at the end of the day, your inaction will say as much as your action does. It’s really finicky. [0:00] [0:00] Again, I’ll go back to what I said before about my position in particular. Having that thought process at a corporate level, corporately funded, an active participant in all departments because it’s corporate. That’s our commitment to culture. It’s not something we take lightly. We’re going to work. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  I’ve heralded that thought, and it just gets back to my mind. I keep going between the proactive and reactive, dormant or proactive. [0:00] [0:00] One of the steps I’m thinking about ‑‑ we’ve talked about this a lot. A lot of the subjects that we’ve talked on are very applicable in the workplace, but a lot of people could start in their homes and understand this at a grassroots level what it is. [0:00] [0:00] Some people might not be that comfortable talking about it. If we’re going to talk about something in the industry, integrity for pipelines, “Oh, well, let’s talk about it all day”, but we’re talking about a soft skill or a culture, people might, “Can I talk about this?” [0:00]

James:  [0:00] I’ll strip that down a little bit further, Jimmy. Culture is an HR activity. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  I think it scares people. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] Absolutely. That’s why I’m saying it. That’s some of our cultures stripping that back and going, “HR is not the bad guy. We are not the fun police. We are not out to get you. We work for you.” [0:00] [0:00] Some of that misconception out there is some of we have to work on, but you’re right. In our industry, that’s your first thought. It’s “Well, you want to sit around on bean bags [laughs] with a FroYo bar. I don’t know. What does that even mean? [0:00] [0:00] All we’re really saying is we’re going to build something awesome that people want to go to, do business with, that invites a ton of talent because we’re going to balance it. [0:00] [0:00] We’re going to take everything into account. We’re going to make it inclusive. We’re going to embrace diversity. Whatever thing, we’re going to be a part of that discussion with our people. Put it out there and go to work. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  James, full disclosure. You are a left‑brained and a right‑brained type of person. You head up over the brand division, but you also head up over the HR. [0:00] [0:00] When I first heard ‑‑ You and I are friends, so I know you ‑‑ I’m like, “James is over HR?” Then, you and I talked about it and the part, the passion that you have is the onboarding, the growing within the company, all the experiences, and all those things. [0:00] [0:00] I guess if I’m sharing my thoughts with you, and those are the things that you believe in. It took being very brave for you to say, “I want HR because I want to bring all those good things into it.” [0:00] [0:00] [crosstalk] [0:00]

James:  [0:00] Jimmy, I’ll go back to something that I’ve said. As I started this journey myself towards the position I’m in now, I didn’t even know where I was headed. [0:00] [0:00] I knew what it felt like, and where I wanted to go, but when I was charged with really curating our brand, as VP of brand, my struggle was that if I was going to maintain the image and the brand of this company, then I needed to understand how people were onboarded and off‑boarded within our company. [0:00] [0:00] Because our biggest champions live within our walls, right? If people are coming on, and I don’t know what they’re saying or how they’re acting. Secondly, if people are leaving, and I don’t know why, how, and how we can fix it. That’s a gap. [0:00] [0:00] Then, it developed into a bigger discussion because my passion ended up being more so of people. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  It is. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] That’s what I realized. Connecting folks and making that magic happen. When I leaned in there, then it started to gather a name, and that name was culture. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  Yeah. That makes sense. Just an example, I think back to the past. I can’t tell you how many times over the last 20 years or 30 years where you join an organization, and somebody says, “Well, welcome to the circus.” [0:00] [0:00] They’re not saying that meanly, but they’re like, “It’s great”. You’re like, “OK.” The next person comes on board, and I would say, “Hey, welcome to the circus,” as opposed to think about, “Welcome to something…” Circus can give a little bit of a different connotation, correct? [0:00]

James:  [0:00] Yeah, it’s some of that tone conversation. Jimmy, why don’t we do that? Why don’t we walk through these points for everybody? [0:00] [0:00] [crosstalk] [0:00]

James:  [0:00] It may be the episodes because I think that’ll bring this thing to life. Let’s walk through these…This is stolen straight from my presentation, Jimmy. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  Which you’re giving twice? [0:00]

James:  [0:00] Kickstarter culture. Yeah, I’ll be doing it twice. I think here in the next month. Then, we’re on a couple more agendas as well. I’m happy to… [0:00] [0:00] [crosstalk] [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  Do you want to do it more and more people on the… [0:00] [0:00] [crosstalk] [0:00]

James:  [0:00] I know a guy. Jimmy knows a guy. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  I know a guy. Hit me up if you’re interested in that. [0:00] [0:00] [crosstalk] [0:00]

James:  [0:00] All of my presentations always end with walking away with action. Like “OK. This is great in theory, but I want to go home and put it into play.” [0:00] [0:00] That’s what we’re thinking about this series. Is giving you something to take home. Think seven habits when we did that one. We’re going to focus on one topic and get moving. [0:00] [0:00] Here we go. Number one, Jimmy, is first off you just got to get started. I feel like a broken record on this because I use it almost all of mine is nothing gets done without getting started. [0:00] [0:00] We get locked in. A lot of us, especially big thinkers, creatives, arrangers if you’re a string‑finder person. We can get lost in the planning. We got to think of every scenario, “Devil’s, Advocate.” Those types of folks. We get just inundated and paralyzed by an action. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  We’ve all seen that. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] We got to make it perfect. Honestly, it’s overrated. Unless it’s heart surgery, done is better than nothing. [laughs] You know what I mean? It’s really, let’s get moving because you know what’s going to happen, Jimmy? [0:00] [0:00] They’ll tell you whoever your audience is, whoever you’re delivering this product to, this culture to, guess what? They’ll tell you… [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  Feedback. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] They’ll give you feedback. That’s what people do. Now, at the beginning, you may have to go out and beg for it because your culture doesn’t support it, but the reality is, if you don’t get started, people they could give you ideas all day long, and you get stymied by it. [0:00] [0:00] This allows us to get moving. Get out there, get moving. What did I say the best time to plant a tree is? [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  Yesterday. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] 20 years ago and today. Let’s get started. [0:00] [0:00] Number two, they’re going to be a lot of tough discussions in curating this culture. Because in order to know where you’re headed, you got to know where you’re at. [0:00] [0:00] For us, we started with something I call “stay interviews.” I think that’s a normal term. We started with that, to almost audit ourselves and create a baseline. Let’s look across the entire organization, and find our gaps and our weaknesses. [0:00] [0:00] Let’s not wait until people walk out the door to do an exit interview. Let’s do it while they’re here. That creates an amazing baseline. It says a lot when you can come back and fix people’s everyday problems. [0:00] [0:00] That’s what it turned out. That’s the wild part, Jimmy, is we did stay interviews after stay interview. The biggest thing for some people might have been not having a subscription that they needed. In their world, that was what kept them up at night. [0:00] [0:00] It slowed them down, and they wanted to be a high performer like they were. It was a five‑minute fix, and it changed the world. We acted, but it doesn’t matter what the result is. It’s, if you’re going to go out and ask the questions, you better be ready to act. [0:00] [0:00] Is if you’re going to go ask the questions and go, “That’s not really the answer I wanted.” [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  Too bad. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] People are going to quit answering. Number two is preparing yourself for those brutal facts types of conversations, because you’re going to have them. You’re going to have to have them. [0:00] [0:00] You’re going to have to get comfortable. Brene Brown says, it’s only awkward for about eight seconds. Getting through that eight seconds, so that you can get down to what needs to be worked on. You’re going to have a lot of those conversations. [0:00] [0:00] This one goes hand in hand. Number three is, being real and vulnerable. Present in the moment, processing it. You mentioned that about the pandemic. [0:00] [0:00] We thought we had it all figured out. We had to figure it all out again, because you’re right. Forever, we’d said, “Check it at the door, buddy. You need to leave that at the baggage claim over there by HR, pick it up on your way out.” That wasn’t an option. [0:00] [0:00] We had to have some tough conversations again. Brutal conversations about mental health and leadership going, “I think I’m burnt out, because I don’t ever go to an office. I work and then I don’t have a turn‑off time. I work some more.” [0:00] [0:00] Those types of things, that got us through some moments. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  Definitely. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] I know it did me. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  [laughs] It’s hard though. It’s hard to be vulnerable like that. It takes a lot of trust and respect of everybody that you’re with to do that. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] I remember a moment, and I know nobody would care if I mentioned it, but I’ll keep it vague. We had an employee that had a little one at home. Right at the beginning of the pandemic, everything was bananas, and everybody was buying and everything. [0:00] [0:00] Formula was one of those things. I don’t know if you remember it, but where she posted on water cooler and was like, “I’m scared about formula.” Our people went to work, man. We have people all over. [0:00] [0:00] I’ll head to Walmart now. Everyone activated, and I sat back and I was like… [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  That’s culture. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] That’s real. All right. That was huge. Huge moments like that. Finally, creating a culture where you can be real and vulnerable. That’s huge. That’s brave, right? [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  Yeah. It is being brave. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] Jimmy, you mentioned one earlier about, “Welcome to the circus, buddy.” That negative dialogue that we use sometimes, self‑deprecating. “We know we’re a good company. [0:00] [0:00] Look, we’re successful. We’re doing good things. We’re hiring a bunch of people. We’ve got a lot of clients.” To soften the blow sometimes where we don’t maybe knock it out of the park. [0:00] [0:00] We joke about, this is EWN Way or something. You know what I mean? Whatever your organization is. Again, words are seeds. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  They are. They’re very… [0:00] [0:00] [crosstalk] [0:00]

James:  [0:00] They add up. Over time we joke about it, you hear that, and then it becomes your joke. The other two people that we’re training next to you. Then when you’re training the next batch of 10 that came in, welcome to the circus, buddy. [0:00] [0:00] It’s such an easy change. Changing words like agnostic into inclusive. Things like that. There’s nothing wrong, it’s just creating more positive vibe. Words are seeds. Words are seeds. That’s what I tell myself, words are seed. [0:00] [0:00] Changing your tone really is that one. We’ll bring somebody on, we’ll talk about that. Number five is my favorite. If I was going to tell you something right now that’d change your life, this is the one, man. Starting where you have influence. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  Talk about that a little bit more. That’s an important one too, isn’t it? [0:00]

James:  [0:00] I think so too. For multiple reasons, which we’ll talk about it. The last one is, where you have the most influence, a lot of the time starts with you. We can be the example, we can get out there. [0:00] [0:00] We can do the actions we’re asking of others to do. We can lead, we can hold the door. Those things. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  Walk the talk. [0:00] [0:00] [crosstalk] [0:00]

James:  [0:00] Absolutely. If we go back to SMS‑type stuff, that’s safety culture. Starting where we have influence may be at home. It may be with your direct supervisor. [0:00] [0:00] It’s not being reckless and thinking or being gullible enough to think that you can invent this culture and walk in and set it on the CEO or owner’s desk and say, “This is where we need to go.” [0:00] [0:00] Instead where you sit depends on where you go to work first. Some of it may be grassroots that you’re not getting paid for, for a couple of years. [0:00] [0:00] It may be a gap that you see right now that you can fix with one of your people that report to you or it could be as simple as sitting down and listening across the department line and fixing a gap. Knowing where you have influence and it’s different for everyone. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  Let me ask you a question though. Depending on the size of the organization. We’re all over the board with the organizational size. This could literally be two people sitting down over lunch break saying, “Hey, you want to start a culture committee?” [0:00] [0:00] [crosstalk] [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  It could be a corporate initiative. It’s [indecipherable] long. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] A lot of organizations out there have HR. Again, you have a culture. That’s the good news, bad news. There’s not a real‑active culture within your group then, again, you have to start where you have influence. [0:00] [0:00] If you go in and start saying, “Our culture sucks here, we got to work on it.” Probably not going to get very far. [laughs] If you go to HR and say, “I want to be an active champion for culture around here. How can I get involved?” [0:00] [0:00] [laughs] I bet somebody’s going to high‑five you to death. That’s what I mean is, it’s different for every person. You may be wanting to kick‑start your culture in a small group at church. You may want to be kick‑starting your culture with a sports team that you play on. [0:00] [0:00] I can’t tell you what it is, but I will say that, there’s a seat at the table. There’s somebody that’s doing it, and they’re on the hook for it, and they would love some help. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  Wonderful. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] Then the last one, Jimmy, goes hand in hand with this one. That’s be the example and hold the door, because you combo a few of the ones we talked about before the first five. You’re going to get a little momentum. [0:00] [0:00] You’re going to get some people in all of their ears perk up a little bit and they’re like, “What’s going on here?” When you get a few people, I always use, we’ll play it in one of these. Remember the TED Talk about the importance of the first follower. [0:00] [0:00] There’s gold in that, and rallying those people and getting them united and beginning a movement starts with you being the movement until you get that first follower, that first person that goes, “I see what you’re doing here. How can I help?” Because that is invaluable. [0:00] [0:00] You can’t be out there talking about it and not walking it. Be the example and hold the door because they’re coming. It may take months. It may take a year, but… [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  There’s no destination. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] It’s a long game. I’m telling you, it’s the longest game. The work you do now is the fruit you may see 18 months from now. It’s hard, and it’s dirty, and it’s brutal facts. That’s the goal of this series, Jim. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  I love it. It’s wonderful, James. I’ll say this about everybody that’s watching us today. Probably is on their journey to the first step of getting started, because they’re engaged and they’re watching this. [0:00] [0:00] If they leave here today and go back and say to themselves, “How can we do this?” Or say to the HR group, or say to another co‑worker that’s getting started. That’s a good feeling to have one under your belt like, you’re on the right path. [0:00] [0:00] James, anything you’re going to follow up with here before we…I think it’s nice that we’re going to do a whole series. [0:00] [0:00] We got six episodes. We’re going to have some exciting guests come on and join us from throughout the industry. I do know a little bit of prelim of that, should be exciting. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] Yeah. I just encourage people to listen in to this one. It’s a hot topic out there. Some people would say it’s trendy. I would say you’re not wrong because we are talking about it, it is trending. [0:00] [0:00] I would not say it’s trendy. Culture, the first book in this presentation, it goes back to work culture, goes back to factory culture in 1951. This is not new stuff. We are just talking about the importance more than ever before. [0:00] [0:00] It’s core fundamentals. Again, it’s happening. That’s the scary thing. Remember, pay attention, watch the series, because if you’re not actively involved, it’s still happening. [laughs] If you needed a reason to tune in, your culture is happening right now while you watch and listen to this. [0:00] [0:00] That’s mind‑blowing. [0:00] [0:00]

Jim:  You can either be part of it, or you can sit back and watch it go… [0:00]

James:  [0:00] However it goes, right? [0:00]

Jim:  [0:00] Yeah. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] Tune in. I love it. This is one of those selfish series for me, Jimmy. [0:00]

Jim:  [0:00] I know it. [0:00] [0:00] [crosstalk] [0:00]

James:  [0:00] I can’t wait. I’m super pumped. I want to record them all. I could’ve done this for an hour‑and‑a‑half. [0:00] [0:00] [crosstalk] [0:00]

James:  [0:00] I will say this… [0:00]

Jim:  [0:00] An hour‑and‑a‑half. You could’ve gone a week and a half. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] I don’t know. I’ve been going five‑and‑a‑half years on it. I will say this, though. Tune in, obviously, but if you like this topic, this energy, this discussion, I do this topic as a speaking engagement. I’d love to talk to you. Let’s get it on agendas. [0:00]

Jim:  [0:00] James, I will say the passion that you have when you deliver that presentation is dynamic and energetic. [0:00] [0:00] [crosstalk] [0:00]

James:  [0:00] That’s coming from Jim Schauer. [0:00]

Jim:  [0:00] That’s saying something, isn’t it? James, thank you. Brother, I appreciate it. I think this is a great road map. I’m excited for the series. [0:00]

James:  [0:00] Kick‑start your culture. [0:00]

Jim:  [0:00] Kick‑start your culture. With that, we will see you next time on “Coffee with Jim & James.” Everybody, stay safe. Have a great day. [0:00] [[0:00] music] [0:00]